When coming to terms with a new normal of social isolation and social distancing, where it feels like someone has just pushed “pause” on life, how are Guelph’s businesses, residents, families and service providers coping?

We are launching an episodic video series featuring the voices of Guelph residents living in the time of COVID-19, about being alone together in Guelph.

Watch all of them here or on our social media pages.

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in conversation with Dr. Dean Raso, Chief of Internal Medicine, Guelph General Hospital

Dr. Dean Raso is Chief of Internal Medicine at Guelph General Hospital. It is the intensive care units across the country that will be most heavily affected by the serious illness caused by COVID-19. Dr. Raso shares the current state of affairs on the day that Guelph's Mayor Cam Guthrie declared a local State of Emergency.

“I think there's been perhaps more information than is needed on the news. But I think the key message is really just that we're doing all these things as a community to try and protect those who are the most vulnerable. And sometimes it can be hard to remember that when what we're facing isn't visible.”

- Dr. Dean Raso

To read a full transcript of our interview with Dr. Raso, click HERE.


in conversation with Jaya James, Executive Director, Lakeside Hope House

The COVID-19 crisis will disproportionately affect those who are most vulnerable: the food insecure and homeless. Guelph's community support organizations play a critical role in ensuring continued access to food and services. In this episode, Jaya James, Executive Director of Lakeside HOPE House, shares how poverty reduction organizations in Guelph are responding to this need.

“We're all being asked to slow down. All the traditions across the world tell us the value and the importance of taking time to be quiet, to be still and to listen to what our inner voice is telling us. If we take that opportunity, I think we'll have a huge leaps as a human race on how we treat each other. How we take care of ourselves, how we take care of our planet. We have permission now to pause. Now we need to take it.”

- Jaya James


reflections from Adelina Rivas, Editor at Ward 1 Studios

Cats. Sometimes aloof, yet wonderful companions in uncertain times. Adelina Rivas introduces us to her new cat, Nala, and shares her thoughts on the benefits of having a cat to care for. A little backstory about Nala is that she was adopted at the Guelph Humane Society, where she came from a home that had 105 cats. At first, in a new home she was a very shy and quiet cat, but in just a few days, she started coming out of her shell and became trusting with Adelina and her partner. During this difficult time it really helps having a cat around, it lowers your anxiety and helps you remember to take care of yourself as you take care of your little companion. Help the Guelph Humane Society by making a donation to ensure they can continue their life saving work with animals, visit:


in conversation with Marty Williams, Executive Director, Downtown Guelph Business Association

The economic toll that the COVID-19 crisis will take on small, independent businesses will be immense. Downtown Guelph businesses have come up with some creative ways of keeping their communities and customers engaged. In this episode, presented by the University of Guelph, we speak to UofG alumnus Marty Williams, Executive Director of the Downtown Guelph Business Association.

For tangible ways to support downtown Guelph businesses, visit:


in conversation with Ebi, an international student from Nigeria studying at the University of Guelph

Students at universities across Canada and around the world had their semesters disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many international students were stranded on empty campuses. The University of Guelph community stepped up to support these students in creative and thoughtful ways. We speak with Ebi, an international student from Nigeria about her experience and hear from the University of Guelph President Franco Vaccarino.

This episode is presented by the University of Guelph

To donate to the international student relief, visit:


in conversation with Colleen Williams, a sewist on a mission.

Even before Canadians were being encouraged to wear masks, Colleen Williams had her sewing machines whirring and was putting out calls for donated fabrics. Since March, she’s made over two thousand masks and caps - and she’s donated them all to front line workers, friends and family.

Support her on her facebook page: Carousel Creations by Colleen


in conversation with University of Guelph Professor Dr. Steven Newmaster

With work places opening and a ramping up of COVID testing, rapid portable tests will be required. But what about our workplaces and surfaces that we interact with daily? Dr. Steven Newmaster is using DNA barcoding technology from the University of Guelph to help with this through private-sector non-profit partnerships.

“I think our world just changed… it’s these types of tools and responses from the universities like Guelph that are going to help us through this.”

- Dr. Steven Newmaster

This episode is presented by the University of Guelph
More info:


in conversation with Court Desautels, President, The Neighbourhood Group of Companies

Court Desautels is someone who loves food, loves community and loves creating both. As the President of the Neighbourhood Group of Companies (iconic Guelph eateries including The Wooly Pub, Miijidaa, The Park Grocery, and Borealis) he is leading his team of 150+ employees through the unique challenges posed by COVID-19 to the restaurant industry. In this final episode, presented by the University of Guelph, we spoke with Court in April 2020 and again in August of 2020 to see how things had changed.

This episode is presented by the University of Guelph
More info: